Pull up a chair, let’s talk about death…” 

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For two days at the Massachusetts Councils on Aging (MCOA) annual conference, October 18-19, 2017, Heather Massey and Sandy Ward represented FCAEM and FCAWM, providing information about death care options. Heather created a well-decorated chair for the occasion. It drew attention to our exhibit, and started conversations, as intended.  We’ll bring that chair again to the 2018 MCOA conference, October 24-25, 2018.

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“Talking about death won’t kill you” is the message on the back of this chair, which Heather had decorated with paint and decoupage. See next photo for a closeup of the decorations on the seat: 

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Heather also uses this chair at Death Cafés, which she hosts monthly in the Cape Cod area. The Death Café movement started in England, with the goal  “to increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives.” Heather was the first to host a Death Café in Massachusetts. For more information about Death Cafés, see deathcare.com.

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