Price Comparison, 2022 history

wdt_ID Funeral Home Town Notes* GPL Date Get GPL Immediate Burial Direct Cremation Incl. Crem. Fee? Incl. M.E. Fee? Basic Service Fee Embalming Least Cost Casket Least Cost Vault
1 Ahearn Funeral Home Northampton e
2 Ascher-Zimmerman Funeral Home, Inc. Springfield e 2022/06/01


4100 n n 3195 995 1195 1395
3 Avalon Life Celebration Center & Cremation Services,LLC Southwick 2021/08/01


2570 2990 n n 1900 895 1740 325
4 Barry J Farrell Funeral Home Holyoke 2019/07/01


2850 2850 yes yes 1995 650 995 500
5 Beers & Story Funeral Home & Crematory Service Palmer c 2022/02/17


5220 4625 n n 3275 775 1095 1200
6 Beers & Story Funeral Home & Crematory Service Belchertown c 2022/02/17


5220 4625 n n 3275 775 1095 1200
7 Beers & Story Funeral Home & Crematory Service South Hadley c 2022/02/17


5220 4625 n n 3275 775 1095 1200
8 Birches-Roy Funeral Home Great Barrington 2021/08/01


3090 2270 n n 1650 650 950 1500
9 Boucher-O'Brien Funeral Home Easthampton e
10 Brunelle Funeral Home Chicopee c 2022/04/04


3130 3345 yes n 2395 795 995 1195
Funeral Home Town Notes* GPL Date Get GPL Immediate Burial Direct Cremation Incl. Crem. Fee? Incl. M.E. Fee? Basic Service Fee Embalming Least Cost Casket Least Cost Vault
  1. GPL is available online at this funeral home’s website and is up to date.
  2. Description of services differs from definitions used by FCAWM (and FTC).  Be sure to read their General Price List (GPL) carefully; the discrepancies could be to your advantage, or not.
  3. Ownership is non-local. (Some funeral homes in our region are owned by corporations headquartered elsewhere – e.g., Carriage Services of Houston, TX;  Foundation Partners Group, Orlando, FL; or Milestone Partners, Maine.)
  4. What was submitted is not a GPL; it might be a Statement of Goods & Services Selected and Payment Agreement, or a Schedule of Basic Standard Package Services. The funeral home would be in violation of federal rules if this were given to someone in place of an actual General Price List. 
  5. Blank spaces indicate that the information was not provided in the GPL, or the funeral home did not send us a GPL.