Please join us on Sunday, October 22, 2:00-4:00 pm, for our Annual Meeting and Program:
What’s New and What’s Changing to Help Funeral Consumers?
Location: Unitarian Society of Northampton and Florence, 220 Main Street, Northampton, MA, right next to City Hall. Enter via the side entrance (handicap accessible) on the right side of the building, near the back. View/download FLYER here.
There will be DOOR PRIZES! Refreshments! Bring your friends! Bring questions.
If you can’t come in person, you may register for remote access. Email us in advance so that we may add you to our list for Zoom invitations.
Hear the latest news about changes that are underway, or pending, in several arenas. Here are some changes we’ve been monitoring:
- FTC’s steps towards online posting of General Price Lists
- MA bills to legalize new options in death care: composting and water cremation
- New and greener options in UMass Chan Medical School’s body donation program
- Pilot program in MA re indigent burials (under Office of the Chief Medical Examiner); implications for future
- National FCA’s transition to a “virtual” organization.
- Green Burial Massachusetts update.
- Dalilah Rain, UMass Chan Medical School’s Anatomical Gift Program
- Carol Coan, long-time FCAWM activist, former board president
- Sandy Ward, FCAWM webmaster and former board president
- Joan Pillsbury, Green Burial Massachusetts and FCAWM