A revised Consumer Fact Sheet for Funeral Planning is now posted on Mass.gov, linked from this page.

This 6-page document from the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Embalming and Funeral Directing (“EM Board”) can be viewed directly at https://www.mass.gov/doc/em-board-consumer-fact-sheet/download

Our organization helped in the rewriting of this fact sheet. Representatives of both FCAWM and FCAEM attended monthly EM Board meetings starting in July 2021, lobbying for improvements to the previous fact sheet. The Massachusetts Funeral Directors Association (MFDA) also participated. Volunteers from these organizations worked together in a Subcommittee in April 2022 developing the final draft, which went to the full EM Board for approval. We thank staff of the Division of Occupational Licensure (especially Thomas F. Burke) for shepherding this project along.